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This Ethereum and Ixcoin convertor is up to date with exchange rates from March 8, 2025.

Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of Ethereum. Use "Swap currencies" to make Ixcoin the default currency. Click on Ixcoins or Ethereums to convert between that currency and all other currencies.

The Ethereum is the currency in no countries. The Ixcoin is the currency in no countries. The symbol for ETH can be written ETH. The symbol for IXC can be written IXC. The exchange rate for the Ethereum was last updated on May 26, 2024 from The exchange rate for the Ixcoin was last updated on July 12, 2020 from The ETH conversion factor has 15 significant digits. The IXC conversion factor has 12 significant digits.

0.0002000 3.682
0.0005000 9.204
0.0010000 18.408
0.0020000 36.815
0.0050000 92.038
0.0100000 184.075
0.0200000 368.151
0.0500000 920.376
0.1000000 1840.753
0.2000000 3681.506
0.5000000 9203.764
1.0000000 18,407.529
2.0000000 36,815.057
5.0000000 92,037.643
10.0000000 184,075.286
20.0000000 368,150.573
50.0000000 920,376.431
ETH rate
May 26, 2024
5.000 0.0002716
10.000 0.0005433
20.000 0.0010865
50.000 0.0027163
100.000 0.0054326
200.000 0.0108651
500.000 0.0271628
1000.000 0.0543256
2000.000 0.1086512
5000.000 0.2716280
10,000.000 0.5432560
20,000.000 1.0865120
50,000.000 2.7162799
100,000.000 5.4325598
200,000.000 10.8651196
500,000.000 27.1627990
1,000,000.000 54.3255980
IXC rate
July 12, 2020

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