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This Euro and Indian Rupee convertor is up to date with exchange rates from March 24, 2025.
Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of Euro. Use "Swap currencies" to make Indian Rupee the default currency. Click on Indian Rupees or Euros to convert between that currency and all other currencies.
The Euro is the currency in Andorra (AD, AND), Austria (AT, AUT), Belgium (BE, BEL), Estonia (EE, EST), Europe (EU, the European Union), Finland (FI, FIN), France (FR, FRA), Germany (DE, DEU), Greece (GR, GRC), Ireland (IE, IRL), Italy (IT, ITA), Luxembourg (LU, LUX), Latvia (LV, LVA), Monaco (MC, MCO), Malta (MT, MLT), Netherlands (NL, NLD), Portugal (PT, PRT), San Marino (SM, SMR), Slovenia (SI, SVN), Slovakia (Slovak Republic, SK, SVK), Spain (ES, ESP), Vatican City (Holy See, VA, VAT), French Guiana (GF, GUF), Guadeloupe (GP, GLP), Martinique (MQ, MTQ), and Reunion (RE, REU). The Indian Rupee is the currency in India (IN, IND). The symbol for EUR can be written €. The symbol for INR can be written Rs, and IRs. The Euro is divided into 100 cents. The Indian Rupee is divided into 100 paise. The exchange rate for the Euro was last updated on March 24, 2025 from The International Monetary Fund. The exchange rate for the Indian Rupee was last updated on March 24, 2025 from The International Monetary Fund. The EUR conversion factor has 6 significant digits. The INR conversion factor has 6 significant digits. Large amounts of Rupees are expressed in lakh rupees or crore rupees. A Lakh Rupee is one hundred thousand rupees and a crore rupee is ten million rupees.
Currency Conversion Comments
for the conversion month is february so pls. give th date option also
Sorry, for historical data, please try Yahoo. This calculator is for the current exchange rate only.
This is a really good tool for those who are unable to keep themselves updated with the excahange rates.
it does not accept comma for example
7,50 euros means???how much??
is it 7.50 euros or 750 euros
I think the presentation is good.. Keeping it simple and user friendly.. Good Work..
Its realy simple to use and a suggestion would be display the currentbuying and selling rate
this is a very easy tool for latest conversion and also user friendly. Very nice site.
This I found as an useful utility as it updates everyday.
i want histrolical data of euro converted into inr
Its a very good tool, but i guess u need to specify the conversion rate and the time for the same
Really very easy and saving our time.
Really its simple and easy to use.
Easy to see in less time. Very good software so that with in a minute we can see conversion
Save our time
Good one. Very easy to work.
easy to convert in short time and easy to specify. plz give time along with this conversion.very good page.
it's a very good tool for currency convertor,fast and easy...thanks
yaa no doubt it comes on top on GS, google search..
Just need to b more precise on buying n selling rates as they r normally different by some 1 euro...
this is i guess the selling rates....
neway buan site.
How much is 7.300 euro in INR??? Its very difficult to understand the decimal!!!
Please help
It is a robotic-net that facilitates calculation of Euro vs. other currencies. A pleasant and praiseworthy experience.
Seemingly very nice. Really useful
Yes, you are my top of the mind re-call for my currnency converting needs.
Keep up the great job.
It is simply superb and extremely simple to use.
Oh it's marvless very fast i like this tool and it's easy
Good job, User friendly and easy to use.
Keep it up.
Itsa marvelous one, i used it for my refrence. very very good one........Thanks a Lot
i want to exchange YUN dinar to Indian Rupee
where can i exchange
it is really helpful, i liked this method of money convertor. this is Ashok and i am doing IT from NIIT.
Lot of Thanks to you to my help.
indeed it is the amazing software
just put your amount and get the converted on right hand side. ver good..........
wanna know how much is one france euro is equal to indian rupee
It would be nice to have the European flag (blue with yellow stars in circle form), not the one for Martinique, on the Euro side.
Not that it mattered much ;-)
Anyway, nice site, thanks!
Thank you for converting to INR very fast, quite,with a lots and very easily.
Yes, also put the date on it
Thanks very much to the coder of this tool, this is helping very much while purchasing on the internet!
we need the euro - inr conversion chart for a period of 2 months
its was great and easy to nice site which is very useful .great