4 comments about Iraqi Dinars and Philippine Pesos conversion

This Iraqi Dinar and Philippine Peso convertor is up to date with exchange rates from December 20, 2024.

Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of Iraqi Dinar. Use "Swap currencies" to make Philippine Peso the default currency. Click on Philippine Pesos or Iraqi Dinars to convert between that currency and all other currencies.

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The Iraqi Dinar is the currency in Iraq (IQ, IRQ). The Philippine Peso is the currency in Philippines (PH, PHL). The symbol for PHP can be written P. The Philippine Peso is divided into 100 centavos. The exchange rate for the Iraqi Dinar was last updated on June 5, 2023 from MSN. The exchange rate for the Philippine Peso was last updated on December 19, 2024 from The International Monetary Fund. The IQD conversion factor has 4 significant digits. The PHP conversion factor has 6 significant digits.

1000 44.25
2000 88.51
5000 221.26
10,000 442.53
20,000 885.06
50,000 2212.65
100,000 4425.30
200,000 8850.59
500,000 22,126.48
1,000,000 44,252.96
2,000,000 88,505.92
5,000,000 221,264.81
10,000,000 442,529.62
20,000,000 885,059.24
50,000,000 2,212,648.10
100,000,000 4,425,296.20
200,000,000 8,850,592.40
IQD rate
June 5, 2023
50.00 1000
100.00 2500
200.00 4500
500.00 11,500
1000.00 22,500
2000.00 45,000
5000.00 113,000
10,000.00 226,000
20,000.00 452,000
50,000.00 1,130,000
100,000.00 2,259,500
200,000.00 4,519,500
500,000.00 11,298,500
1,000,000.00 22,597,500
2,000,000.00 45,194,500
5,000,000.00 112,987,000
10,000,000.00 225,973,500
PHP rate
December 19, 2024

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where to exchange dinars

where can we exchange iraqi dinars here in the Philippines..im nearer to manila.

noemi garcia
hi there

i would like to inquire on how to change iraqi dinars to philippine pesos. i know someone who has dinars and he's having a really hard time because the exchange here is on hold please mail me at tinjel28 @yahoo.com


noemi garcia
where to exchange iraqi dinars?

where can we exchange iraqi dinars? here in the philippines im nearer in makati? i was really a hard time to exchange iraqi dinars? thanks in advance

julie ann
where to exchange iraqi dinar to peso here in the philippines

hi there..good day.. just wanna ask where can we exchange our iraqi dinars here in the philippines..we're from lipa city batangas.. thank u so much... God bless...

jackielou p. mateo