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This Mexican Unidad De Inversion and Venezuelan Bolivar Fuerte convertor is up to date with exchange rates from December 12, 2024.

Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of Mexican Unidad De Inversion. Use "Swap currencies" to make Venezuelan Bolivar Fuerte the default currency. Click on Venezuelan Bolivares Fuertes or Mexican Unidad De Inversions to convert between that currency and all other currencies.

The Mexican Unidad De Inversion is the currency in Mexico (MX, MEX). The Venezuelan Bolivar Fuerte is the currency in Venezuela (VE, VEN). The Venezuelan Bolivar Fuerte is also known as Bolivars, and Bolívar. The symbol for MXV can be written UDI. The symbol for VEF can be written Bs. F. The Venezuelan Bolivar Fuerte is divided into 100 centimos. The exchange rate for the Mexican Unidad De Inversion was last updated on December 12, 2024 from the Central Bank of Mexico. The exchange rate for the Venezuelan Bolivar Fuerte was last updated on August 22, 2018 from Bloomberg. The MXV conversion factor has 7 significant digits. The VEF conversion factor has 4 significant digits. The Unidad de Inversion (literally unit of investment) is an index of funds controlled by the Mexican government and used in the Mexican credit industry.

2 219,225
5 548,064
10 1,096,127
20 2,192,254
50 5,480,635
100 10,961,271
200 21,922,542
500 54,806,354
1000 109,612,708
2000 219,225,417
5000 548,063,542
10,000 1,096,127,083
20,000 2,192,254,167
50,000 5,480,635,417
100,000 10,961,270,833
200,000 21,922,541,667
500,000 54,806,354,167
MXV rate
December 12, 2024
200,000 2
500,000 5
1,000,000 9
2,000,000 18
5,000,000 46
10,000,000 91
20,000,000 182
50,000,000 456
100,000,000 912
200,000,000 1825
500,000,000 4562
1,000,000,000 9123
2,000,000,000 18,246
5,000,000,000 45,615
10,000,000,000 91,230
20,000,000,000 182,461
50,000,000,000 456,151
VEF rate
August 22, 2018

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