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This Danish Krone and Mongolian Tugrik convertor is up to date with exchange rates from December 20, 2024.

Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of Danish Krone. Use "Swap currencies" to make Mongolian Tugrik the default currency. Click on Mongolian Tugriks or Danish Kroner to convert between that currency and all other currencies.

The Danish Krone is the currency in Denmark (DK, DNK), Faeroe Islands, and Greenland (GL, GRL). The Mongolian Tugrik is the currency in Mongolia (MN, MNG). The Danish Krone is also known as Krones. The symbol for DKK can be written Dkr. The symbol for MNT can be written Tug. The Danish Krone is divided into 100 ore. The Mongolian Tugrik is divided into 100 mongos. The exchange rate for the Danish Krone was last updated on December 19, 2024 from The International Monetary Fund. The exchange rate for the Mongolian Tugrik was last updated on May 3, 2023 from Yahoo Finance. The DKK conversion factor has 6 significant digits. The MNT conversion factor has 5 significant digits.

5.00 2506
10.00 5013
20.00 10,025
50.00 25,063
100.00 50,127
200.00 100,253
500.00 250,634
1000.00 501,267
2000.00 1,002,535
5000.00 2,506,337
10,000.00 5,012,674
20,000.00 10,025,349
50,000.00 25,063,371
100,000.00 50,126,743
200,000.00 100,253,485
500,000.00 250,633,714
1,000,000.00 501,267,427
DKK rate
December 19, 2024
2000 4.00
5000 10.00
10,000 20.00
20,000 40.00
50,000 99.75
100,000 199.50
200,000 399.00
500,000 997.50
1,000,000 1995.00
2,000,000 3990.00
5,000,000 9974.75
10,000,000 19,949.50
20,000,000 39,898.75
50,000,000 99,747.25
100,000,000 199,494.25
200,000,000 398,988.50
500,000,000 997,471.50
MNT rate
May 3, 2023

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